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Increase in owner’s remuneration


Tax saved in the last
2 years


Average transaction value increase

before Clear Path
as a Clear Path Client
Lack of understanding of how business is performing Full understanding of financial performance and how to improve results
Anxious about tax obligations and tax debt Complete control over compliance duties and tax liabilities
Goals felt overwhelmingly difficult to achieve Turning business and personal goals into reality
before Clear Path
Lack of understanding of how business is performing
Anxious about tax obligations and tax debt
Goals felt overwhelmingly difficult to achieve
as a Clear Path Client
Full understanding of financial performance and how to improve results
Complete control over compliance duties and tax liabilities
Turning business and personal goals into reality
Lexicon Electrical

Working with Suzanne and team has given us a deeper understanding of our numbers, providing us with a sense of clarity and relief, that in-turn empowers us to continue making bold and beneficial business decisions. Best business move we’ve made.

– Adam Grimadell (Director)

Working with Suzanne and team has given us a deeper understanding of our numbers, providing us with a sense of clarity and relief, that in-turn empowers us to continue making bold and beneficial business decisions. Best business move we’ve made.

Adam Grimadell


About Lexicon Group

It’s 2019 and Aaron Halavaka was running AH Plumbing & Gas Fitting and Adam Grimadell was running Addspark Electrical & Communications. Each individual business was doing well in its own right but it wasn’t until they had an inspired idea to join forces, that their businesses were catapulted to the next level. And so, Lexicon Group was born.

Lexicom Plumbing Photo

The new found confidence in understanding the true performance and the financial drivers of the business, has allowed for significant improvements and a renewed energy to take the business to the next level.