The Importance of a Business Continunity Plan

Business Advisory Services

How prepared are you to get through?

We consider a buisness continuity plan, one of the best tools to use to ensure you

A business continuity plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the actions to be taken in the event of disruption to normal operations or damage to reputation. Examples of such events include power failures, IT virus attacks, fire, employee disease / illness outbreaks, product food safety recall.

A business continuity plan has to take all contingencies into account, and right now, businesses are probably realising they didn’t even imagine some of the events that could bring operations to a halt.



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We want to provide you with logical advice to help you minimise the impact of this global pandemic on your business.

So, we are happy to share a process, a guide and a template for creating your Business Continuity Plan.

Should you have any questions, or need any guidance, please don’t hesitate to contact our team.

We wish all of you the very best of luck and good health.


Suzanne Walker


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